To Flash, or Not to Flash?

Many new website owners are eager to install dynamic multimedia features on their website. Macromedia Flash is an excellent tool for creating high-quality graphic images, animations and powerful multimedia features for web pages.

Pixel Web Design’s Flash design team is highly skilled experienced in creating full Flash websites, as well as incorporating flash components into HTML sites. We will be happy to show you examples of our high quality work in creating dynamic websites that integrate HTML, 3D graphics, audio, video, and multimedia components.

Flash can be an excellent tool for websites that require dynamic user input and that need the latest technology in cutting edge design. However, it is important to keep in mind that the most important aspect of a high-quality website is whether or not it meets the company’s marketing needs and appeals to customers and prospective customers.

Flash multimedia features are perfect for some websites that benefit from having interactive features. If Flash features actually add value to a site, then they can be a great addition. However, there are a number of drawbacks associated with building a site with Flash, or even with integrating Flash into your HTML site.

Pixel Web Design’s qualified web design experts can help you make a sound decision as to whether or not Macromedia Flash. Our goal is to work with you to create a custom website that meets the needs of your company.

Flash Drawbacks

Many users want instant gratification when they visit a website. They want to click and immediately see the information that interests them. Flash websites tend to be slow to download. If your website is strictly an e-commerce or informational site, you may lose prospective customers who move on to a different website because they lose patience with waiting for yours to download.

Search engine optimization is an important aspect of successful Internet marketing. It is in your best interest to make sure that your site includes features that will allow search engines to index it. Websites have to be indexed by the various search engines in order to show up when Internet users do web searches. Flash websites can’t be indexed by search engines. This is a major drawback for most websites.

Additionally, in order for a Flash website to run properly on an Internet users machine, that user must have a Flash plug-in installed. Many users don’t have this plug-in installed, and aren’t going to download it just so they can view your website.

Call the experts and Pixel Web Design today! We can help you make the best decisions about graphics and other features that will make your site both attractive and effective.